Coming Soon: The REAL Metaverse

Written By Luke Sweeney

Updated September 18, 2024

I’m not talking about Horizon Worlds, Mark Zuckerberg’s personal vanity project. Kudos to him for jumping in the deep end early, but so far the execution has left me feeling somewhere between disappointed and terrified.

Though I admit the avatars did manage to capture their creator’s signature look, the newest version is still not as lifelike as I was expecting from such a hyped-up rollout. 

mark zuckerberg horizons avatar 1

This isn't the real metaverse — don’t let this fumbled first attempt turn you off to the idea. The possibilities of this technology, once fully matured, are truly limitless. 

From a technological standpoint, there’s not much standing in the way. All the necessary hardware already exists; it just needs to be scaled up and refined. 

But with something as complex as a fully interactive digital world, the devil really is in the details. 

Cheap underpowered processors and poorly written software will reveal every flaw in world around you, resulting in these low-poly abominations: 

mark early zuckerberg horizons avatar 1

That’s the last jab at Horizon Worlds, I promise. Though it had a shaky start, Meta will undoubtedly be doing a good chunk of the heavy lifting to bring the real metaverse into reality. 

But it’s not a one-man job. Meta can’t build out this digital landscape without an army of creators, designers, and computing experts. After all, an immersive 3D landscape is as much art as it is engineering. 

That means billions of dollars in funding and investment are headed into a huge range of underappreciated industries. Animators, graphic designers, and other creative types will be the architects of our digital future. 

Here’s What We Know So Far

For those who might not know or who have been given the wrong impression by Meta and the like, the metaverse is simply a digital online world that allows real-time interaction between users in either augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR). 

You could socialize in a digital bar, attend a class in a virtual lecture hall, play games with strangers from across the globe, or even apply for a mortgage. The possibilities are limited only by the power of your computer and the imagination of the designer. 

From a social standpoint, it sounds like an interesting way to connect with others online. From a financial standpoint, however, it’s the profit opportunity to end all others. 

The sale of digital assets is already a billion-dollar industry worldwide. The overhead is practically zero, and profit margins are massive. 

Today, kids are more than willing to fork over real money for an in-game character or other customization. Companies are practically drooling over the thought of selling “wearable” digital merchandise without having to actually create a product.

Our team is currently compiling a detailed research report on what it will take to build the metaverse. It contains detailed analysis on the subtle trends that come before investors make a killing.

And just to be clear, I’m NOT talking about investing in Meta. The company is still hemorrhaging money, and I’m not certain it will be the company that brings the metaverse into reality. 

We’re more interested in the small-cap companies that are utterly essential to building this sprawling digital world. 

They’re worth a tiny fraction of what Meta is, but the inevitable transition absolutely hinges on their contributions. 

The full report will be released very soon for subscribers of Technology and Opportunity, our premium tech-centered research publication.

The information is too valuable to be entrusted to the mainstream media. You’re not going to want to wait even a day — this industry moves at the speed of light. 

Save this link immediately so you don’t miss the big reveal.

To your wealth,

Luke Sweeney
Contributor, Energy and Capital

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Luke’s technical know-how combined with an insatiable scientific curiosity has helped uncover some of our most promising leads in the tech sector. He has a knack for breaking down complicated scientific concepts into an easy-to-digest format, while still keeping a sharp focus on the core information. His role at Angel is simple: transform piles of obscure data into profitable investment leads. When following our recommendations, rest assured that a truly exhaustive amount of research goes on behind the scenes..

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